Thank you for reading! As stated above, the comic was meant to be 23 pages however it quickly became apparent that this was too ambitious... There were a lot of mistakes made in the process of making this comic (not making simplified versions of character designs, writing text by hand. etc) but I also learned a ton! I'm in the process of working on another comic (this time a little shorter and hopefully more manageable...) and that should be up around mid april barring any circumstances. As you can see by the dwindling art style, I quickly lost interest in this comic and starting another page became more and more painful to the point that I decided to cut my losses and give up on it... I guess I'm not the type that likes making shallow black comedies? Oh well. That being said, I do have a finished script and rough thumbnails that I may someday clean up a little and put text in to technically complete the comic but I've been so busy that idk if I'll ever get around to it at all... I guess for now it'll just have to end on a cliffhanger... I'd appreciate feedback nonetheless! You can send it through email ( or through twitter under the relevant tweet showing the first four pages of this comic. Thank you again!